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.pm file support! - 10/14/23 4:36 PM EST

I've added support for .pm file support. That's all! Favoriting project is coming soon, and profile comments are too!

It's called loves/loving projects, and.. - 10/14/23 1:00 AM EST

Man, it's kind of late. Oh well!
Loving projects is the official name, and.. now it has an animation? :0
Go to any project, when signed in, try loving it!

Loving projects is now possible! - 10/13/23 9:18 PM EST

Hi again! Warm welcome to spooky month and spooky day!
Liking projects is now possible! Debating on if it should be called loves/loving a project like it is in the code, though.
That's all, thanks for reading!

Sorry for the downtime! - 6/17/23 4:38 PM EST

Sorry about the downtime on Project ReScratch!
We had to move hosting providers because the previous provider was too costly to continue using.

We use Hostinger now, but that doesn't really matter.
Everything is back to normal, so have fun!

Project views implemented! - 3/10/23 1:45 PM EST

If you view a project, it will now count as a view!
Project loves and faves will be coming very soon with this new update!
(Along with .pm file support!)

Itch .ich file supported! - 2/16/23 8:26 AM EST

Itch's .ich file is now supported! You can now upload and update projects with the .ich format!

Switching editors! - 2/16/23 7:29 AM EST

You can now switch editors in account settings! It only persists for your session, though.

Explore section soon! - 2/15/23 7:53 AM EST

Soon, there will be the explore section! It gets 10 random projects to show to the user!
This allows smaller projects to be discovered more often alongside the New projects list!
(It'll be out soon, alongside views!) Have fun!

Welcome Itch! - 2/14/23 12:14 PM EST

Itch is the new Turbowarp! (Mostly so I can use this at school lol.)

Itch is a mod of Turbowarp that adds new features and things!

Since this is the primary editor now, you can use feaures from the itch editor!

(If you're wondering why I didn't use PenguinMod, it's because I don't want the projects to break, therefore causing ReScratch to go down. Since itch is more stable, I'm using itch instead of PenguinMod.)

Welcome home, News! 🎉 - 2/14/23 12:00 PM EST

Welcome home, News! This is where you can find all the latest updates to ReScratch. Cheerio!